Thursday, September 27, 2012

Even More Parts

Even More Parts

Written and illustrated by: Tedd Arnold

Scholastic Inc. 2004

28 pages


            I chose this book because I remember reading the other two books that goes with it Parts and More Parts, which I thought were supper cute. The book is about a boy who hears all this crazy talk that he is scared to go anywhere. Before leaving to go to school he gets all geared up for the day he think is ahead of him. The boy takes expressions like, “My nose is running” or “My ears are burning” literally. In his mind he pictures all the parts he might lose at school and ends up leaving his house very prepared for the school day!

            I love Tedd Arnold’s illustrations in the book. They are very detailed and hilarious to look at. The pictures are very chaotic with warm watercolors. There are many different lines used to demonstrate the different motions in the book. The compositions of the pictures balance themselves out to make this one great illustration.

This would be a great read for grades first through third. The book has many great idioms that you could use to teach your students. The pictures help the students realize what the expressions mean. You could also read this book when talking about speech bubbles. Overall I think this book would be a great book to read in the classroom. I really enjoyed all three books in the sequel and suggest you read them too!




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