Thursday, September 27, 2012

Aliens Love Underpant

Aliens Love Underpants

Written by: Claire Freedman

Illustrated by: Ben Cort

Simon and Schuster 2007

28 pages


            When looking at books to read this one was one of the first to catch my eye. The illustrations on the cover page are funny and silly and make you want to read the book. Since there are no underpants in space, aliens have to fly down to Earth. They love underpants in all shapes and sizes! From moms to grandpas the aliens love all the different kinds. But always have to leave in a flash so they are not caught. So if you ever see an alien don’t worry they aren’t out to get you, just your underpants!

Ben Cort did a fantastic job on the illustrations. The pictures are funny and corky just like the story. I love the way he uses the different colors to create unique pictures. The aliens’ lines are short and stubby but with long arms. There are many different shapes used through the text to emphasize what the story is talking about.

This is a hilarious book that could be used for many different age groups but mostly younger grade levels. It is a great book to introduce rhyming with. The book could also be used for creative writing prompts. The book has many adjectives used that students you could ask your students to listen for and point out. I think Aliens Love Underpants would be a wonderful book to read with your students just for the joy of reading!



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